About Elo
My primary areas of expertise are estates, forced auctions, and criminal cases. Additionally, I deal extensively with wills, prenuptial agreements, property transactions, and guardianships.
I obtained my legal degree in 1981. For the first 4 years, I worked as a deputy judge and in the Ministry of Justice. During that period, I received my solicitor's license. Since 1985, I have been a lawyer, and since 1986, a co-owner of the same firm in Store Heddinge.
I have been an authorized estate administrator since the introduction of the estate administration system in 1997. Since the judicial reform in 2007, I have been authorized by the bankruptcy court in Roskilde.
I have been a beneficed lawyer for over 30 years, also since 2007 at the court in Roskilde. Additionally, I have been accepted by the State Administration as a permanent guardian, a role I have held for over 20 years since the introduction of the system.