
Advodan law firm

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Do you need help with buying a home in Denmark?

In Denmark, certain rules determine who may buy a house or a flat (real estate), how the purchase of the real estate is to be financed, and how the seller remains liable for any latent defects. The Danish rules differ from those of many other countries. A foreigner may therefore feel that navigating the Danish real estate market is a daunting task. At Advodan we can help you navigate the rules when buying a home in Denmark.

Advodan – a nationwide law firm

Advodan is a nationwide law firm. Advodan's attorneys are always solution-oriented and able to combine local insight and proximity with full-service services. Find more information about how we can help you with legal matters related to your personal life or contact one of our specialized lawyers for legal counselling.


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Facts about Advodan

  • Advodan has existed since 1988
  • Annual revenue of DKK +250 million
  • Qualified attorneys: 110
  • 22 offices 
  • Total Advodan's: approx. +300
  • Company name: Advodan A/S, CVR no: 2979 5185